§ 75-76-193. Calculation of gross revenues; certain expenses not deductible.
(1) In calculating gross revenue, any prizes, premiums, drawings, benefits or tickets which are redeemable for money or merchandise or other promotional allowance, except money or tokens paid at face value directly to a patron as the result of a specific wager and the amount the cash paid to purchase an annuity to fund winnings paid to that patron over several years by an independent financial institution, must not be deducted as losses from winnings at any game except a slot machine.
(2) In calculating gross revenue from slot machines, the actual cost to the licensee of any personal property distributed to a patron as the result of a legitimate wager may be deducted as a loss, but not travel expenses, food, refreshments, lodging or services.
Sources: Laws, 1990 Ex Sess, ch. 45, § 98, eff from and after passage (approved June 29, 1990).