§ 75-76-203. Eligibility requirements for corporations.
In order to be eligible to receive a state gaming license, a corporation shall:
(a) Be incorporated:
(i) In the State of Mississippi, although such corporation may be a wholly or partly owned subsidiary of a corporation which is chartered in another state of the United States; or
(ii) In another state of the United States, if all persons having any direct or indirect interest of any nature in such corporation are licensed as required by this chapter and any applicable regulations of the commission;
(b) Maintain an office of the corporation on the licensed premises;
(c) Comply with all of the requirements of the laws of the State of Mississippi pertaining to corporations; and
(d) Maintain a ledger in the principal office of the corporation in Mississippi, which shall:
(i) At all times reflect the ownership of every class of security issued by the corporation; and
(ii) Be available for inspection by the commission or the executive director or his employees at all reasonable times without notice.
Sources: Laws, 1990 Ex Sess, ch. 45, § 103, eff from and after passage (approved June 29, 1990).