§ 81-12-41. Name of association; enjoining violations; penalty.
(1) The name of every association may include either the words "savings association," or "savings and loan association." If used, these words shall be preceded by an appropriate descriptive word or words approved by the commissioner. An ordinal number may not be used as a single descriptive word preceding the words "savings association," or "savings and loan association," unless such words are followed by the words "of ________," the blank being filled by the name of the community, town, city or county in which the association has its home office. An ordinal number may be used, together with another descriptive word, preceding the words "savings association" or "savings and loan association," provided the other descriptive word has not been used in the corporate name of any other association in the state, in which case the suffix mentioned above is not required to be used. An ordinal number may be used, together with another descriptive word, preceding the words "savings association" or "savings and loan association," even when such other descriptive word has been used in the corporate name of an association in the state, provided the suffix "of ________," as provided above, is also used. The suffix provided above may be used in any corporate name. The use of the words, "National," "Federal," "United States," "Insured," "Guaranteed," or any form thereof, separately or in any combination thereof with other words or syllables, is prohibited as part of the corporate name of an association organized under this chapter. No certificate of incorporation of a proposed association having the same name as a corporation authorized to do business under the laws of this state or a name so nearly resembling it as to be likely to deceive shall be issued by the commissioner, except to an association formed by the reincorporation, reorganization, or consolidation of the association with other associations, or upon the sale of the property or franchise of an association.
(2) No person, firm, company, association, fiduciary, partnership or corporation, either domestic or foreign, unless he or it is lawfully authorized to do business in this state under the provisions of this chapter and actually is engaged in carrying on an association business shall do business under any name or title which contains the terms "savings association," "savings and loan association," "building and loan association," "building association," or any combination employing either or both of the words "building" or "loan" with one or more of the words "saving," "savings," "thrift," or words of similar import, or any combination employing one or more of the words "saving," "savings," "thrift," or words of similar import with one or more of the words "association," "institution," "society," "company," "fund," "corporation," or words of similar import, or use any name or sign or circulate or use any letterhead, billhead, circular or paper whatever, or advertise or represent in any manner which indicates or reasonably implies that his or its business is the character or kind of business carried on or transacted by an association or which is likely to lead any person to believe that his or its business is that of an association. Upon application by the commissioner or any association, an injunction may issue to restrain any such entity from violating or continuing to violate any of the foregoing provisions of this subsection. Any person who violates any provision of this subsection shall be punished by a fine of not more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), and each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense. The prohibitions of this subsection shall not apply to any corporation or association formed solely for the purpose of promoting the interests of thrift institutions, the membership of which is comprised of thrift institutions, their officers or other representatives.
Sources: Laws, 1977, ch. 445, § 9(1, 2); reenacted, 1982, ch. 301, § 21; Laws, 1990 Ex Sess, ch. 52, § 22; Laws, 1993, ch. 441, § 22; Laws, 1994, ch. 622, § 54; Laws, 1996, ch. 400, § 17; reenacted without change, Laws, 1997, ch. 496, § 19; reenacted without change, Laws, 2001, ch. 488, § 20, eff from and after July 1, 2001.