§ 81-13-69. Method of voting by members; special meetings; number of votes per member; proxies; matters subject to vote.
(1) The bylaws may provide for the taking of referendum votes by the membership upon questions coming before the membership; such voting to be by mail, or otherwise in writing or a combination of viva voce voting and writing.
(2) Special meetings of the members may be held by order of the board of directors or the supervisory committee, and shall be held on request of ten percent (10%) of the members. At all meetings a member shall have but one (1) vote, irrespective of the number of shares held. No shareholder may vote by proxy, but a society, association, copartnership or corporation having membership in the credit union may be represented and voted by one (1) person duly authorized by such society, association, copartnership or corporation to represent it. Provided that the notice of the meeting has stated the question to be considered, the members may decide on any matter of interest to the corporation, may overrule the directors by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of those present, and may amend the bylaws.
Sources: Codes, 1930, § 4264; 1942, § 5425; Laws, 1924, ch. 177; reenacted without change, 1982, ch. 304, § 37; Laws, 1987, ch. 381, § 22; reenacted and amended, 1995, ch. 374, § 35; reenacted without change, Laws, 1997, ch. 368, § 33; reenacted without change, Laws, 2001, ch. 408, § 35, eff from and after July 1, 2001.