§ 81-5-85. Consolidation, conversion or merger of state or state and national banks, state or federal savings and loan associations and state-chartered banks, and state or federal savings banks and state-chartered banks.
Any two (2) or more state-chartered banks, or any national bank and any state-chartered bank, or any state or federal savings and loan association and any state-chartered bank, or any state or federal savings bank and any state-chartered bank, may, with the approval of the commissioner, consolidate with or merge into one (1) state-chartered bank, under the charter of the existing state bank, on such terms and conditions, as may be lawfully agreed upon by a majority of the board of directors of each bank proposing to consolidate. Such agreement shall be ratified and confirmed by the affirmative vote of the shareholders or members of each such institution owning at least two-thirds (2/3) of its capital stock outstanding, or of fifty-one percent (51%) or more of the total number of members, at a meeting to be held on call of the directors, notice of which specifying the purpose shall be given in the manner required by the bylaws, or in the absence of such bylaw then by sending such notice to each shareholder of record by registered mail at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting. The capital stock of such consolidated bank shall not be less than that required under the Mississippi banking laws for the organization of a bank in the place in which it is located. And all the rights, franchises and interests of the institutions so consolidated in and to every species of property, personal and mixed, and choses in action thereto belonging, shall be deemed to be transferred to and vested in such bank into which they are consolidated without any deed or other transfer, and the said consolidated bank shall hold and enjoy the same and all rights of property, franchises and interests in the same manner and to the same extent as were held and enjoyed by the institutions so consolidated therewith.
Any national bank, state or federal savings and loan association, or state or federal savings bank may apply for conversion into a state-chartered bank upon the affirmative vote of the shareholders owning at least two-thirds (2/3) of its capital stock outstanding, or of fifty-one percent (51%) or more of the total number of the members, at a meeting called by the directors subject to the manner previously described in this section. Upon such affirmative vote, the converting institution may apply for a certificate of authority by filing with the commissioner a certificate signed by its president and cashier which sets forth the corporate action herein prescribed and asserts that the institution has complied with the provisions of the laws of the United States. The converting institution shall also file with the commissioner the plan of conversion and the proposed amendments to its articles of incorporation as approved by the stockholders for the operation of the institution as a state bank. Upon receipt of the prescribed application, the commissioner shall examine all facts associated with the conversion. The expenses and cost incurred for such special examination shall be paid by the institution applying for permission to convert. The commissioner shall present his findings and recommendations to the State Board of Banking Review for consideration. Upon approval by the State Board of Banking Review, the commissioner shall issue a certificate of authority to the applicant allowing the conversion to proceed.
Any bank, savings and loan association or savings bank chartered by the State of Mississippi is hereby authorized to convert into, consolidate with, or merge with a national bank domiciled in the State of Mississippi, with the national bank charter surviving, without approval of the Department of Banking and Consumer Finance, the Commissioner of Banking and Consumer Finance, or any state authority whatsoever.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 5214; Laws, 1934, ch. 146; Laws, 1978, ch. 316, § 1; Laws, 1995, ch. 308, § 6; Laws, 1997, ch. 542, § 5, eff from and after passage (approved April 10, 1997).