§ 83-17-5. Agent certificate; notification of nonrenewal required.
Every agent of any insurance company, fraternal order or association authorized to do business in this state shall be required to obtain from the Commissioner of Insurance a certificate under the seal of his office showing that the company for which he or she is licensed to do business in this state, and that he or she is an agent of said company and duly authorized to do business for it. Such certificate shall remain valid as long as the insurance company, fraternal order or association pays to the commissioner an annual certificate fee to continue the authorization. The insurance company, fraternal order or association must notify the agent within thirty (30) days if the authority is nonrenewed or cancelled.
Sources: Codes, 1906, § 2627; Hemingway's 1917, § 5093; 1930, § 5198; 1942, § 5708; Laws, 1988, ch. 526, § 5; Laws, 1990, ch. 355, § 2; Laws, 2003, ch. 419, § 1; Laws, 2006, ch. 314, § 1, eff from and after July 1, 2006.