§ 83-19-107. Commissioner's order.
The commissioner of insurance shall issue a written order approving the plan as submitted to him, including such modifications therein as a majority of the whole board of directors of each corporation which is a party to the plan shall approve, if he finds (a) that the plan, including all such modifications, if effected, will not tend to affect adversely the financial stability, management, general capacity, or intention to continue the safe and prudent transaction of insurance business of any domestic insurance company which is a party to the plan; (b) that the fulfillment of the plan will not affect either the contractual obligations of any domestic insurance company which is a party to the plan to its policyholders, or the ability and tendency of such company to render service to its policyholders in the future; and (c) that the terms and conditions of the plan are consistent with law and are fair and reasonable.
The order of the commissioner approving or disapproving the plan shall be filed within sixty (60) days after the date the plan is submitted to him. The commissioner shall give notice of such order to all parties to the proceeding and shall deliver copies thereof to each corporation which is a party to the plan.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 5670.7-22; Laws, 1972, ch. 419, § 2, eff from and after passage (approved April 27, 1972).