§ 83-43-25. Dental service report.
Every nonprofit dental service corporation shall, on or before the first day of March of every year, file with the state board of health a report of its activities other than its financial activities during the calendar year immediately preceding. Every such report shall be authenticated by at least two (2) of the principal officers of the corporation and shall be in such form and contain such matter as the state board of health prescribes. The state board of health is hereby authorized to inquire into the activities of the nonprofit dental service corporations and to determine whether the corporation is providing adequate dental services to its subscribers in accordance with the best dental practice in the community. The secretary of the state board of health and his agents shall be entitled to the aid and cooperation of the officers and employees of the corporation and shall have convenient access to all books, records, papers, and documents that relate to the business of the corporation. They shall have authority to examine the officers, agents, employees and subscribers for the service of the corporation, all dentists registered with the corporation, and all other persons having or having had substantial part in the work of the corporation in relation to the affairs, transactions, and conditions of the corporation other than financial. Examinations may be made at such times and with such frequency as the secretary of the state board of health may determine. The secretary of the state board of health may, at any time without making any such examination, call on any such corporation for a written report, authenticated by at least two (2) of its principal officers, concerning the affairs of the corporation other than its financial affairs. In the event the secretary of the state board of health finds that the nonprofit dental service corporation does not provide adequate dental services to its subscribers in accordance with the best dental practice in the community, the said secretary may notify the corporation of his findings and order the corporation, in specific terms, to extend or improve the dental services furnished by the corporation. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice from the secretary, the corporation may petition the court to show cause why the action of the secretary of the state board of health should not be set aside or modified. The court is given jurisdiction and authority to entertain and determine any such proceeding and controversy.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 8775-12; Laws, 1962, ch. 234, § 12, eff from and after passage (approved May 7, 1962).