§ 89-17-25. Penalty for converting derelict property to own use.
If any person shall convert to his own use, sell or otherwise dispose of any saw log, sawn or hewn timber, lumber, boat, or other water craft, or other floatable thing of value not belonging to him, which may have come into his possession while floating as derelict, in any of the waters of the State of Mississippi, or which may theretofore have been sunken and raised or floated from such sunken condition by him or others, or which he or others may have found cast upon the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, or Mississippi Sound, in the State of Mississippi, or any bay, inlet, or bayou, emptying into same, or upon the shore of any other watercourse in the State of Mississippi, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than double the value of the property converted, sold or disposed of, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding six months.
Sources: Codes, Hemingway's 1917, § 7313; 1930, § 6535; 1942, § 1019; Laws, 1908, ch. 120.