§ 9-21-9. Duties and authority of Director.
The Administrative Director of Courts shall have the following duties and authority with respect to all courts in addition to any other duties and responsibilities as may be properly assigned by the Supreme Court:
(a) To require the filing of reports, the collection and compilation of statistical data and other information on the judicial and financial operation of the courts and on the operation of other offices directly related to and serving the courts;
(b) To determine the state of the dockets and evaluate the practices and procedures of the courts and make recommendations concerning the number of judges and other personnel required for the efficient administration of justice;
(c) To prescribe uniform administrative and business methods, systems, forms and records to be used in the offices of the clerks of courts;
(d) To devise, promulgate and require the use of a uniform youth court case tracking system, including a youth court case filing form for filing with each individual youth court matter, to be utilized by the Administrative Office of Courts and the youth courts in order that the number of youthful offenders, abused, neglected, truant and dependent children, as well as children in need of special care and children in need of supervision, may be tracked with specificity through the youth court and adult justice systems;
(e) To develop, promulgate and require the use of a statewide docket numbering system to be utilized by the youth courts, which youth court docket numbers shall standardize and unify the numbering system by which youth court docket numbers are assigned, such that each docket number would, among other things, identify the county and year in which a particular youth court action was commenced;
(f) To develop, promulgate and require the use of uniform youth court orders and forms in all youth courts and youth court proceedings;
(g) To prepare and submit budget recommendations for state appropriations necessary for the maintenance and operation of the judicial system and to authorize expenditures from funds appropriated for these purposes as permitted or authorized by law;
(h) To develop and implement personnel policies for nonjudicial personnel employed by the courts;
(i) To investigate, make recommendations concerning and assist in the securing of adequate physical accommodations for the judicial system;
(j) To procure, distribute, exchange, transfer and assign such equipment, books, forms and supplies as are acquired with state funds or grant funds or otherwise for the judicial system;
(k) To make recommendations for the improvement of the operations of the judicial system;
(l) To prepare and submit an annual report on the work of the judicial system to the Supreme Court;
(m) To take necessary steps in the collection of unpaid court costs, fines and forfeitures;
(n) To perform such additional administrative duties relating to the improvement of the administration of justice as may be assigned by the Supreme Court; and
(o) To promulgate standards, rules and regulations for computer and/or electronic filing and storage of all court records and court-related records maintained throughout the state in courts and in offices of circuit and chancery clerks.
Sources: Laws, 1993, ch. 610, § 5; Laws, 1995, ch. 547, § 2; Laws, 1997, ch. 440, § 1; Laws, 1997, ch. 507, § 6, eff from and after passage (approved April 8, 1997).