§ 97-21-23. Engraving or possessing plate for printing bank check, note or other evidence of debt; possessing impressions made from such plate.
Every person who shall be convicted of having made or engraved, or having caused or procured to be made or engraved, any plate in the form or similitude of any promissory note, bill of exchange, draft, check, certificate of deposit, or other evidence of debt, issued by any incorporated bank in this state, or by any bank incorporated under the laws of the United States, or of any state or territory, or under the laws of any foreign country or government, without the authority of such bank, with the intent of using or having the same used for the purpose of taking therefrom any impression, to be passed, sold, or altered, or of having made or caused to be made, or having in his custody or possession any plate upon which shall be engraved any figures or words which may be used for the purpose of falsely altering any evidence of debt issued by any such incorporated bank, with the intent of having the same used for such purpose, or of having or keeping in his custody or possession, without the authority of such bank, any impression taken from any such plate, with intent to have the same filled up and completed for the purpose of being passed, sold, or uttered, shall be guilty of forgery.
Sources: Codes, Hutchinson's 1848, ch. 64, art. 12, Title 4(30); 1857, ch. 64, art. 114; 1871, § 2578; 1880, § 2824; 1892, § 1103; 1906, § 1184; Hemingway's 1917, § 914; 1930, § 941; 1942, § 2170.