§ 97-25-33. Railroads; not to destroy or bury animal killed by train until report made.
If any person or corporation operating a railroad shall bury or otherwise destroy, or cause to be buried or destroyed, the carcass of any domestic animal killed or injured by the running of a locomotive or cars, before a report in writing has been made to the nearest station agent, giving as near as can be the time of the killing or injury and a description of the animal, with marks and brands, and a fair estimate of its value if killed, and of the extent of damage if injured, said person or corporation shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than one hundred dollars. This section shall not apply in any case where the owner or possessor of the animal has been notified and had opportunity to examine the carcass of injured animal.
Sources: Codes, 1892, § 1277; 1906, § 1352; Hemingway's 1917, § 1086; 1930, § 1116; 1942, § 2352.