§ 97-27-13. Contagious diseases; smallpox patient not to go abroad.
A person having recently had the smallpox shall not, until after having obtained a certificate of the attending physician, and of his person qualified to give such certificate, of his recovery, or other being perfectly clean in his person and clothes, remove from the place where he shall have had the smallpox, to go abroad in the company of other persons who have not had the disease, or go into any public road or highway where travelers usually pass, without retiring out of the same or giving notice on the approach of any passenger, or go into any public place, or into any railroad car or coach, or upon any steamboat, under the penalty of one hundred dollars fine, or thirty days imprisonment in the county jail, or both.
Sources: Codes, 1871, § 2738; 1880, § 2761; 1892, § 1009; 1906, § 1086; Hemingway's 1917, § 812; 1930, § 835; 1942, § 2061.