§ 97-3-43. Homicide; ignorant or negligent management of steamboat or railroad engine.
If any captain, engineer, or any other person having charge of a steamboat or railroad engine connected with a car or cars used for the conveyance of passengers; or if the engineer or other person having charge of the boiler of such boat or engine, or of any other apparatus for the generation of steam, shall, from ignorance or gross neglect, or for the purpose of excelling any other boat in speed, or for the purpose of unusual speed, create or allow to be created such an undue quantity of steam as to burst or break the boiler or other apparatus in which it shall be generated, or any apparatus or machinery connected therewith, or shall thereby cause the said engine or cars to run off of said railroad track, or from any other ignorant or gross neglect shall permit or cause such cars or engine to be thus thrown, by which bursting, breaking, or running off the track any person shall be killed, every such captain, engineer, or other person, shall be guilty of manslaughter.
Sources: Codes, Hutchinson's 1848, ch. 64, art. 12, Title 3 (16); 1857, ch. 64, art. 180; 1871, § 2643; 1880, § 2891; 1892, § 1164; 1906, § 1242; Hemingway's 1917, § 972; 1930, § 1000; 1942, § 2230.