§ 97-31-25. Patent medicines.
The sale or giving away of any proprietary or patent medicine by whatsoever name called, which, if drunk to excess, will produce intoxication, shall be deemed and held to be a sale of intoxicating liquors, unless there shall be a printed label attached to each bottle or other receptacle containing the same, a facsimile of a certificate issued by the commissioner of internal revenue of the United States to the effect that such medicine has been examined by him or under his direction and that it does not contain such percentage of alcohol as to make the sale of same unlawful without an internal revenue license for the sale of liquors.
Sources: Codes, 1906, § 1767; Hemingway's 1917, § 2102; 1930, § 1989; 1942, § 2628; Laws, 1908, ch. 115.