§ 97-41-11. Fighting animals or cocks.
Any person who shall keep or use, or in any way be connected with or interested in the management of, or shall receive money for the admission of any person to, any place kept or used for the purpose of fighting any bear, cock or other creature, except a dog, or of tormenting or torturing the same, and every person who shall encourage, aid, or assist therein, or who shall permit or suffer any place to be so kept or used, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. It shall be the duty of any policeman or other officer of the law, county or municipal, to enter into any such place kept for such purpose, and to arrest each and every person concerned or participating therein.
Sources: Codes, 1880, § 805; 1892, § 1016; 1906, § 1093; Hemingway's 1917, § 819; 1930, § 843; 1942, § 2069; Laws, 1987, ch. 489, § 3, eff from and after July 1, 1987.