§ 99-21-11. Person causing arrest liable for costs; deposit or security may be required.
The person making complaint to procure the arrest of any person charged with crime in some other state or territory, shall be answerable for all the costs of the arrest and proceedings, and for the jail fees, if the person be committed to jail; and the conservator of the peace applied to may require such deposit of money, or other security for the payment of all costs, charges, and fees in such proceedings, as he thinks reasonable, and may refuse to issue a warrant or commit the person to jail, or do anything in such matter until compliance with the requirement.
Sources: Codes, 1880, § 3125; 1892, § 1475; 1906, § 1547; Hemingway's 1917, § 1309; 1930, § 1335; 1942, § 2582.