§ 99-33-7. Appearance bond may be taken.
It is lawful for any officer having a person in custody by virtue of a warrant of a justice court judge, in a case in which the judge has a final jurisdiction, to take bond with sufficient sureties, in a sum of not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00), nor more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), except for the violation of any of the criminal statutes of Mississippi prohibiting the sale and possession of intoxicating liquors, when the bond shall not be less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) conditioned for the appearance of such person on the return-day of the writ before the justice court judge before whom the warrant is returnable, and to fix the amount of the bond, which shall be returned to the judge and be filed and proceeded on by him in a case of forfeiture, if for not more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00), as in like cases in the circuit court, as near as may be. A justice court judge before whom any person is brought for trial may take bond or recognizance in such like sum as he may affix, for such person, or may authorize the sheriff or constable to take bond of him for his appearance on adjournment from time to time, and from day to day, or to a subsequent day, for trial, and to be proceeded on in case of forfeiture as provided above. When a bond of recognizance shall exceed in its penalty One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and be forfeited, the justice court judge shall return the bond or a true copy of the recognizance to the circuit court, with his certificate of the forfeiture; and the circuit court shall enter judgment nisi thereon, and thereafter proceed as if the same had been for appearance in that court.
Sources: Codes, 1871, § 1325; 1880, § 2220; 1892, § 2423; 1906, § 2752; Hemingway's 1917, § 2251; 1930, § 2100; 1942, § 1834; Laws, 1924, ch. 247; Laws, 1991, ch. 323, § 1, eff from and after July 1, 1991.