3.066. When the Missouri supreme court or a federal court withcompetent jurisdiction makes a final ruling that a bill enacted by theMissouri general assembly or a Missouri state statute or any portion of aMissouri state statute contained in a bill enacted by the Missouri generalassembly is unconstitutional on procedural grounds, the Missouri revisor ofstatutes shall:
(1) For a repealed statute or an amended statute contained in suchbill, reprint the statute as it existed in the revised statutes of Missouriprior to the enactment of the bill that the court declaredunconstitutional;
(2) For a new statute contained in such bill, remove the new statutefrom the revised statutes of Missouri, if necessary, and publish only afootnote calling attention to the ruling of the court explaining the reasonfor the removal of such statute from the revised statutes of Missouri.
(L. 2004 S.B. 884 ยง 3.075)