3.125. 1. The committee may publish annual or biennialcumulative or noncumulative supplements or pocket parts to therevised statutes of Missouri in lieu of complete editions thereofexcept at such times as complete editions are published. Anysupplement or edition of pocket parts is subject in all respectsto the provisions of this law relating to the publication of anedition of the revised statutes and the committee has the samepowers and duties with respect to the publication thereof. Whenfunds for the printing thereof are duly appropriated by thegeneral assembly, the committee shall cause to be classified,arranged, numbered and printed in either an edition of therevised statutes or in supplements or pocket parts thereto, inaccordance with this chapter, all laws of a general natureadopted at any session of the general assembly.
2. The committee shall report to the general assemblywhenever called upon, and shall prepare and submit to the generalassembly such consolidation, revision and other matters relatingto the statutes as can be completed from time to time.
(L. 1959 S.B. 88, A.L. 1976 H.B. 1770)Effective 5-12-76