8.237. 1. The office of administration shall develop a statewideplan of energy conservation and cost savings for the buildings andfacilities of the state. The plan shall be designed to implement energyconservation and cost savings on a cost-effective basis. The office ofadministration shall divide the buildings and facilities of the state byits administrative agencies such that numerous qualified providers ofvarying capacity shall be eligible to submit requests for proposals orrequest for qualifications. The office of administration shall givepreference to Missouri companies as provided for in sections 34.070 and34.073, RSMo, and relevant executive orders. Prior to the office ofadministration entering into such contract, it shall solicit sealedproposals from entities that best meet the needs of the governmental unit.Each governmental unit, as defined in section 8.231, prior to entering intoa contract for the implementation of any significant energy conservation orfacility improvement measure identified by the office of administration,shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Obtain a report of energy audit findings from the entityproviding the energy conservation measures containing recommendationsconcerning the costs of installation, modifications, or remodeling,including costs of design, engineering, repairs, and financing; and
(2) The proposal shall guarantee to such governmental unit an amountof cost savings in energy or operating costs, as defined in section 8.231,if such installation, modification, or remodeling is performed by thatentity.
2. For purposes of this section, "energy conservation and facilityimprovement measure" designed to reduce energy consumption, as defined insection 8.231, includes, but is not limited to, automated or computerizedenergy control and facility management systems or computerized maintenancemanagement systems, replacement or modification of lighting fixtures andsystems, energy recovery systems, water conservation, cogeneration systems,and window and door system modifications.
3. The entity shall contractually guarantee energy savings asappropriate and in a manner that meets the needs of the governmental unit.
4. With regard to energy cost savings in section 8.235 and thissection, subject to appropriations, funding may be provided by the officeof administration's revolving administrative trust fund, general revenue,or other appropriate fund source.
(L. 2004 H.B. 1599)