8.255. 1. The director may authorize any agency of the state toestablish standing contracts for the purpose of accomplishing construction,renovation, maintenance and repair projects not exceeding one hundredthousand dollars. Such contracts shall be advertised and bid in the samemanner as contracts for work which exceeds one hundred thousand dollars,except that each contract shall allow for multiple projects, the cost ofeach of which does not exceed one hundred thousand dollars. Each contractshall be of a stated duration and shall have a stated maximum totalexpenditure. For job order contracts, the total expenditure per projectshall not exceed three hundred thousand dollars.
2. The director, with full documentation, shall have the authority toauthorize any agency to contract for any design or construction,renovation, maintenance, or repair work which in his judgment can best beprocured directly by such agency. The director shall establish, by rule,the procedures which the agencies must follow to procure contracts fordesign, construction, renovation, maintenance or repair work. Each agencywhich procures such contracts pursuant to a delegation shall file an annualreport as required by rule. The director shall provide general supervisionover the process. The director may establish procedures by which suchcontracts are to be procured, either generally or in accordance with eachauthorization.
3. The director, in his sole discretion, may with full documentationapprove a recommendation from a project designer that a material, productor system within a specification for construction, renovation or repairwork be designated by brand, trade name or individual mark, when it isdetermined to be in the best interest of the state. The specification mayinclude a preestablished price for purchase of the material, product orsystem where required by the director.
(L. 1995 H.B. 622, A.L. 2005 S.B. 462, A.L. 2007 S.B. 322)