8.280. Every commission, board, committee, officer or othergoverning body of the state, charged with the construction orrepair of public buildings, and every person acting ascontracting or purchasing agent for any commission, board,committee, officer or other governing body of the state, shallpurchase and use only the products of the mines, forests, andquarries of the state of Missouri, when they are found inmarketable quantities in the state, and all materials contractedfor shall be of the best quality, and preference shall be givento Missouri materials and labor where same are of a suitablecharacter and can be obtained at reasonable market prices. Anycontract for materials made in violation of this section is voidand in the event of the construction or repair of publicbuildings where products of mines, forests and quarries otherthan as enumerated above are used, the commissioner ofadministration shall not approve, the state auditor shall notaudit nor the state treasurer pay any warrants issued in paymentof the construction.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 14618, A.L. 1957 p. 726)