8.380. 1. The board of public buildings, after project approval bythe committee on legislative research of the general assembly, may acquire,construct, erect, equip, furnish, operate, control, manage and regulate aproject, as herein defined, if, in the judgment of the board, the projectis necessary, advisable, and suitable for the use of the agencies andinstrumentalities of the state. The limitation pertaining to populationdoes not apply to energy retrofitting projects.
2. The board may use real property now or hereafter belonging to thestate as a site for any such project, or acquire by purchase, lease, giftor otherwise the real or personal property that in the judgment of theboard is necessary, advisable and suitable for such purpose.
3. In acquiring the property the board may condemn any and all rightsor property, either public or private, of every kind and character,necessary for the purposes aforesaid, and in the exercise of such power ofcondemnation, it shall follow the procedure which is now or may hereafterbe provided by law for the appropriation of land or other property takenfor telegraph, telephone or railroad right-of-way.
4. When the board enters into a project authorized by sections 8.370to 8.450, it shall provide for sufficient space to be included in theproject to meet probable future requirements occasioned by the growth andexpansion of the state government.
5. The board may lease to state agencies and instrumentalities of thestate and other political subdivisions of the state under the same termsand conditions prescribed under section 8.390. Any such lease shallinclude a provision requiring the payment of a portion of the costs ofoperation and maintenance of the project under the formula prescribed undersection 8.390.
(L. 1959 H.B. 241 ยง 2, A.L. 1967 p. 91, A.L. 1982 H.B. 1501, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1554 Revision, A.L. 1999 H.B. 450)Effective 6-29-99