8.620. 1. In all renovation undertaken by a politicalsubdivision of this state, and at the discretion of thegoverning body of the political subdivision, the standardspecifications for making such public improvements accessible toand usable by the physically disabled shall be either theAmerican National Standards Institute, Inc., (ANSI)specifications or the specifications set out in this section.
2. Public walks shall be at least forty-eight inches wideand shall have a gradient not greater than five percent unlessthe parallel and adjacent public thoroughfare gradient exceedssuch percentage in which case the gradient to be constructedshall conform to the gradient of such parallel and adjacentpublic thoroughfare. These walks shall be of a continuingcommon surface, not interrupted by steps or abrupt change inlevel. Wherever walks cross other walks, driveways, or parkingareas, they shall blend to a common level. Wherever a publicdoor swings out onto a walk, ramp or platform, there shall beprovided a walk area which extends at least three feet beyondthe swing of the door. The walk area outside any public doorwayshall be at the same level as the area inside the door and shallextend a minimum of one foot beyond each side of the door.
3. Where parking is provided, there shall be a walk orramp, not interrupted by steps or curbs, from at least oneparking area to the building or facility.
4. Where public ramps with gradients are necessary ordesired, they shall conform to the following specifications:
(1) The slope shall not exceed one foot in twelve feet, oreight and thirty-three hundredths percent or four degrees fiftyminutes;
(2) The handrails on at least one side shall be at leastthirty-two inches in height, extended at least one foot beyondthe top and bottom of ramp;
(3) The width shall be at least thirty-two inches, clearmeasurement;
(4) The surface shall be nonslip;
(5) The bottom of ramp shall have a level run of at leastsix feet;
(6) The ramps shall provide level platforms at thirty-footintervals and at turns in the ramp.
5. At least one public entrance shall be provided which isaccessible to persons in wheelchairs. Wherever a publicelevator is provided, it shall be accessible to this entrance.The floor, walk or platform at the doorway of this entranceshall be level for a distance of at least five feet from eachapproach and shall extend at least one foot beyond each side ofthe door.
6. Public doors shall have a clear opening of not less thanthirty-two inches when open and shall be operable in a singleeffort.
7. Steps in public stairs reasonably expected to be used bypersons with physical handicaps shall not have protrudingnosings, except that this shall not preclude the use of inclinedrisers (a smooth diagonal) which may project a maximum of oneand one-half inches over the tread below. Stairs shall havehandrails on each side at least thirty-two inches high asmeasured from the tread at the face of the riser. At least onehandrail shall extend eighteen inches beyond the top step andbeyond the bottom step unless such extension shall itself be ahazard. Where possible, such extensions shall be made on theside of a continuing wall. Steps shall have risers not toexceed seven inches and shall be designed to conform withrecognized step formulas.
8. Floors shall have a nonslip surface whereverpracticable. The level of the floors shall be common throughoutthe same story or shall be connected by at least one ramp or byelevator access.
9. Public toilets shall be arranged to allow traffic anduse of persons in wheelchairs and shall provide at least onetoilet stall which is a* minimum of thirty-six inches wide andfifty-six inches long, has a door, if doors are used, that isthirty-two inches wide and swings out, and has handrails on eachside which are thirty-three inches above the floor.
10. Where public elevators are provided, they shall beaccessible to, and usable by, the physically handicapped atlevels normally used by the general public, designed to allowfor wheelchair traffic.
11. Practicable design and engineering arrangements shallbe made to obviate hazards to individuals with physicaldisabilities.
12. Renovations to public parks, recreational areas andrest areas shall be planned and executed in a manner that willenable handicapped persons and senior citizens to share, asfully as practicable, in the enjoyment of these areas andfacilities. Opportunities to participate in fishing,picnicking, sunbathing and other outdoor recreational pursuitsshall be provided as fully as practicable. Facilities shall beequipped with such devices as are necessary for appropriate useby handicapped and senior citizens.
(L. 1973 H.B. 77, A.L. 1989 H.B. 493)*Word "a" does not appear in original rolls.
Cities, handicap access requirements, RSMo 71.365