8.675. As used in sections 8.675 to 8.687, the followingterms mean:
(1) "Construction management services" includes:
(a) Services provided in the planning and design phases ofthe project including, but not limited to, consulting with,advising, assisting and making recommendations to the publicowner and architect, engineer or registered landscape architecton all aspects of planning for project construction; reviewingall plans and specifications as they are being developed andmaking recommendations with respect to construction feasibility,availability of material and labor, time requirements forprocurement and construction, and projected costs; making,reviewing and refining budget estimates based on the publicowner's program and other available information; makingrecommendations to the public owner and the architect or engineerregarding the division of work in the plans and specifications tofacilitate the bidding and awarding of contracts; soliciting theinterest of capable contractors and assisting the owner in takingbids on the project; analyzing the bids received and awardingcontracts; and preparing and monitoring a progress scheduleduring the design phase of the project and preparation of aproposed construction schedule; and
(b) Services provided in the construction phase of theproject including, but not limited to, maintaining competentsupervisory staff to coordinate and provide general direction ofthe work and progress of the contractors on the project;observing the work as it is being performed for generalconformance with working drawings and specifications;establishing procedures for coordinating among the public owner,architect or engineer, contractors and construction manager withrespect to all aspects of the project and implementing suchprocedures; maintaining job site records and making appropriateprogress reports; implementing labor policy in conformance withthe requirements of the public owner; reviewing the safety andequal opportunity programs of each contractor for conformancewith the public owner's policy and making recommendations;reviewing and processing all applications for payment by involvedcontractors and material suppliers in accordance with the termsof the contract; making recommendations for and processingrequests for changes in the work and maintaining records ofchange orders; scheduling and conducting job meetings to ensureorderly progress of the work; developing and monitoring a projectprogress schedule, coordinating and expediting the work of allcontractors and providing periodic status reports to the ownerand the architect or engineer; and, establishing and maintaininga cost control system and conducting meetings to review costs;
(2) "Construction manager", any person providingconstruction management services for a public owner;
(3) "Public owner", any public body, as defined in section290.210, RSMo.
(L. 1993 S.B. 241 ยง 1 subsec. 1)