8.683. Upon award of a construction management servicescontract, the successful construction manager shall contract withthe public owner to furnish his skill and judgment in cooperationwith, and reliance upon, the services of the project architect orengineer. The construction manager shall furnish businessadministration, management of the construction process and otherspecified services to the public owner and shall perform in anexpeditious and economical manner consistent with the interest ofthe public owner. Should the public owner determine it to be inthe public's best interest, the construction manager may provideor perform basic services for which reimbursement is provided inthe general conditions to the construction management servicescontract. The construction manager shall not, however, bepermitted to bid on or perform any of the actual construction ona public works project in which he is acting as constructionmanager, nor shall any construction firm which controls, iscontrolled by, or shares common ownership or control with, theconstruction manager be allowed to bid on or perform work on suchproject. The actual construction work on the project shall beawarded by competitive bidding as provided by law. Allsuccessful bidders shall contract directly with the public owner,but shall perform at the direction of the construction managerunless otherwise provided in the construction manager's contractwith the public owner. All successful bidders shall providepayment and performance bonds to the public owner. Allsuccessful bidders shall meet all the obligations of a primecontractor to whom a contract is awarded, pertaining to thepayment of prevailing wages pursuant to sections 290.210 to290.340, RSMo. In addition, all nonresident employers shall meetthe bonding and registration requirements of sections 285.230 to285.234, RSMo.
(L. 1993 S.B. 241 ยง 1 subsec. 5)