8.715. Whenever feasible, one or more vending facilitiesshall be established on all state property to the extent thatany such facility would not adversely affect the interests ofthe state. Any limitation on the placement or operation of avending facility based on a finding that such placement oroperation would adversely affect the interests of the stateshall be fully justified in writing to the licensing agent. Thelicensing agent may construct and install or permit theconstruction and installation of a vending facility on anyproperty owned or occupied by the state and shall notify thedepartment, agency or institution charged with the operation ofthe property of its intentions. If the state department, agencyor institution charged with the operation of the propertydisapproves of the construction or installations, it may notifythe licensing agent in writing of its objections within ten daysof notification by the licensing agent of the licensing agent'sintention. The licensing agent and the state department, agencyor institution charged with the operation shall consult andattempt to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement as to theproposed changes in the property. If agreement is not reachedwithin thirty days of the time of receipt of the notification ofdisapproval, the licensing agent may apply to the board ofpublic buildings for approval. The board of public buildingsshall grant or refuse to grant approval within thirty days. Ifthe board of public buildings takes no action within thespecified time, it shall be deemed to have approved the proposedchanges. Whenever approval for the proposed construction orinstallation is granted by either the state department, agencyor institution charged with operation of the property or theboard of public buildings, the licensing agent may proceed withconstruction or installation. In the case of leased space, costshall be shared by agencies occupying such space as determinedby the licensing agent.
(L. 1981 S.B. 165 ยง 4)