8.720. Each department, agency and institution of the stateshall provide notice to the licensing agent of its plans foroccupation, acquisition, renovation or relocation of propertyadequate to permit the licensing agent to determine whether suchproperty includes a satisfactory site or sites for a vendingfacility. The licensing agent may notify, in writing, thedepartment, agency or institution of objections to its proposedoccupation, acquisition, renovation or relocation within tendays of receipt of notification by the department, agency orinstitution. The licensing agent and the department, agency orinstitution shall consult and try to reach a mutuallysatisfactory agreement. If agreement is not reached withinthirty days the licensing agency may seek review by the board ofpublic buildings of the proposed occupation, acquisition,renovation or relocation. The board of public buildings shallrefuse to grant permission to the department, agency orinstitution to proceed with the occupation, location,acquisition, renovation or relocation if location of vendingfacilities is feasible and not included. The board of publicbuildings shall act within thirty days; if it does not, theproposed occupation, acquisition, renovation or relocation shallbe deemed disapproved.
(L. 1981 S.B. 165 ยง 5)