8.725. 1. After January 1, 1982, no department, agency orinstitution of this state shall undertake to acquire byownership, rent or lease, or to otherwise occupy, in whole or inpart, any property unless such property includes a satisfactorysite or sites for the location and operation of a vendingfacility by a blind person or that, if a building is to beconstructed, substantially altered or renovated, or, in the caseof a building that is already occupied on such date by suchdepartment, agency or institution, is to be substantiallyaltered or renovated for use by such department, agency orinstitution, the design for such construction, substantialalteration or renovation includes a satisfactory site or sitesfor the location and operation of a vending facility by a blindperson.
2. The provisions of this section shall not apply when thenumber of people using the property is or will be insufficientto support a vending facility.
3. For the purpose of this section, the term "satisfactorysite" means an area determined to have sufficient space,electrical and plumbing outlets, and such other facilities asthe licensing agent may prescribe by rule for the location andoperation of a vending facility by a blind person.
4. The provisions of this section shall not apply toexisting employee-operated, nonprofit organizations operatingvending facilities that include manual cafeteria operations onstate property, nor shall this section be construed to requirethat such employee-operated, nonprofit organizations shalldiscontinue operating vending facilities that include manualcafeteria operations on state property as of September 28, 1981.
(L. 1981 S.B. 165 ยง 6)