10.020. The official flag of the state of Missouri is rectangular inshape and its vertical width is to the horizontal length as seven is totwelve. It has one red, one white and one blue horizontal stripe of equalwidth; the red is at the top and the blue at the bottom. In the center of theflag there is a band of blue in the form of a circle enclosing the coat ofarms in the colors as established by law on a white ground. The width of theblue band is one-fourteenth of the vertical width of the flag and the diameterof the circle is one-third of the horizontal length of the flag. In the blueband there are set at equal distances from each other twenty-four five-pointedstars. The original copy of the design shall be kept in the office of thesecretary of state. The flag shall conform to the design set out on page xxx,RSMo.
(RSMo 1939 § 15438, RSMo 1949 § 10.080, A.L. 1957 p. 726)Prior revisions: 1929 § 14313; 1919 § 11609
Flag desecration, penalty, RSMo 578.095