21.150. 1. Within five days after September 28, 1973, andon December fifteenth of each even-numbered year thereafter, theaccounts committee of the house of representatives and theaccounts committee of the senate shall establish rates of pay forsecretary and assistant secretary of the senate, the chief clerkand assistant chief clerk of the house, the engrossing clerks,enrolling clerks, reading clerks, chaplains, sergeants-at-arms,doorkeepers, and all other stenographic, clerical oradministrative and technical employees of both houses. Suchrates of pay shall be the same as the established rate of pay forpersons employed under the direction and established policies ofthe personnel division of the office of administration forcomparable duties. Such rates of pay shall not be establisheduntil the accounts committee has examined the rates of pay forthe various categories then in effect within the personneldivision of the office of administration. Such rates of payshall become effective for those employees, initially, onSeptember 28, 1973, and on the fifteenth day of January of eachodd-numbered year thereafter unless a majority of both housesshall by concurrent resolution reject such rates of pay,initially, within ten legislative days after September 28, 1973,or by the January fifteenth next following each establishmentthereafter. If rejected the new rates of pay shall not be paidand the rates of pay last recommended by the personnel divisionshall be continued as if a new rate had not been set until adifferent rate is established as provided in this section.
2. If the rates of pay initially set as provided in thissection are rejected, the secretary of the senate and the chiefclerk of the house of representatives shall each receive not toexceed fifteen dollars per day compensation for his servicesduring a session of the general assembly. The assistantsecretary, assistant chief clerk, the engrossing clerks*,enrolling clerks, reading clerks, chaplains, sergeants-at-arms,doorkeepers, and for all other stenographic, clerical oradministrative and technical employees of both houses shall notexceed fourteen dollars per day.
(RSMo 1939 §§ 12863, 12864, A.L. 1943 p. 631, A.L. 1945 p. 1116, A.L. 1949 p. 319, A.L. 1953 p. 551, A.L. 1957 p. 595, A.L. 1959 H.B. 57, A.L. 1961 p. 478, A.L. 1967 p. 96, A.L. 1973 S.B. 161)Prior revisions: 1929 §§ 11238, 11239; 1919 §§ 7113, 7114; 1909 §§ 8112, 8113
*Word "clerk" appears in original rolls.