21.155. 1. The accounts committee of the senate and theaccounts committee of the house of representatives shall each, onJanuary fifteenth of each year, set the total number of employeesfor their respective houses, taking into account the rates of payset as provided in section 21.150 and the appropriations madetherefor.
2. During any session of a general assembly, eachrepresentative may employ one stenographer or secretary, and theremainder of the officers and employees of the house ofrepresentatives, except the elective officers thereof, shall beselected or appointed by the members of the majority party of thehouse of representatives.
3. During any session of a general assembly, each senatormay employ one stenographer or secretary, and the accountscommittee of the senate, as provided in this section, may employand assign such other employees as may be necessary for theoperation of the senate.
4. The senate and house of representatives may each, byresolution, continue in employment at their regular salaries,such number of efficient employees of each body after anyadjournment of a regular session or sine die adjournment of thegeneral assembly as may be necessary for operation of theirrespective houses, and the resolutions shall also set the termsof such employment. All employees assigned to individual membersof the general assembly or to committees shall be divided betweenthe majority and minority parties in proportion to the number ofmembers of each party in the respective bodies.
(L. 1973 S.B. 161)