21.250. When a bill that has passed both houses of the generalassembly is returned by the governor without his signature, and withobjections thereto, and upon a reconsideration, passes both houses by theconstitutional majority, it shall be authenticated as having become a law,by a certificate endorsed thereon, or attached thereto, in the followingform:
This bill having been returned by the governor, with his objectionsthereto and, after reconsideration, having passed both houses by theconstitutional majority, it has become a law, this .... day of .......
Which, being signed by the president of the senate and speaker of the houseof representatives, is sufficiently authenticated, and the bill shall bedeposited with the laws in the office of the secretary of state, by thepresiding officer of the house in which the bill originated. Unless thebill provides otherwise, it shall become effective thirty days afterapproval by constitutional majorities in both houses of the generalassembly.
(RSMo 1939 § 657, A.L. 1957 p. 595, A.L. 2003 S.B. 143)Prior revisions: 1929 § 657; 1919 § 7060; 1909 § 8059
Veto, procedure after, Const. Art. III § 32