21.340. The mechanical equipment installed and used for thepurpose of taking and recording the votes of the members of thehouse shall be so constructed as to employ and use a roll callsheet, arranged in four separate columns, and to show in thefirst column, by perforation opposite their respective names, thenames of the members voting yea; in the second column, byperforation opposite their respective names, the names of themembers voting nay; in the third column, by perforation oppositetheir respective names, the names of the members voting present;and in the fourth column, by perforation opposite theirrespective names, the names of the members absent, and to show aprinted total of the number recorded, by perforation, in each ofthe columns. The mechanical equipment shall provide for the useof readily obtainable roll call sheets, and for the immediatesubstitution of the names of new members elected to fillvacancies in the original membership.
(L. 1947 V. I p. 368 ยง 2, A.L. 1957 p. 595)