21.370. The president of the senate and the speaker of thehouse of representatives may administer all oaths andaffirmations to the officers of their respective houses, to swearin the members of their respective houses, after first havingtaken the oath of office prescribed by law themselves; and thepresident of the senate, speaker of the house of representatives,the chairman of the committee of the whole, or the chairman ofany standing, select or special committee of either house, mayadminister oaths and affirmations to witnesses in any case undertheir examination.
(RSMo 1939 § 12890, A.L. 1957 p. 595)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11265; 1919 § 7147; 1909 § 8143
Oath of office of members of assembly--effect of refusal to take oath and conviction of violation, Const. Art. III § 15
Oath of office form, Const. Art. III, Sec. 15