21.455. It shall be the duty of the committee:
(1) To make a continuing study and analysis of penal and correctionalproblems as they relate to this state;
(2) To devise and arrange for a long-range program for the departmentand its correctional centers based on a plan of biennial development andmaking the recommendation of any required correctional centers in the statein accordance with the general assembly's powers of appropriation;
(3) To inspect at least once each year and as necessary allcorrectional facilities and properties under the jurisdiction of thedepartment of corrections and of the division of youth services;
(4) To make a continuing study and review of the department ofcorrections and the correctional facilities under its jurisdiction,including the internal organization, management, powers, duties andfunctions of the department and its correctional centers, particularly, byway of extension but not of limitation, in relation to the
(a) Personnel of the department;
(b) Discipline of the correctional facilities;
(c) Correctional enterprises;
(d) Classification of offenders;
(e) Care and treatment of offenders;
(f) Educational and vocational training facilities of thecorrectional centers;
(g) Location and establishment of new correctional centers or of newbuildings and facilities;
(h) All other matters relating to the administration of the state'scorrectional centers which the committee deems pertinent; and
(i) Probations and paroles;
(5) To make a continuing study and review of the institutions andprograms under the jurisdiction of the division of youth services;
(6) To study and determine the need for changes in the state'scriminal laws as they apply to correctional centers and to sentencing,commitment, probation and parole of persons convicted of law violations;
(7) To determine from such study and analyses the need for changes instatutory law or administrative procedures;
(8) To make recommendations to the general assembly for legislativeaction and to the department of corrections and to the division of youthservices for administrative or procedural changes.
(L. 1957 p. 615 ยง 4, A.L. 1963 p. 97, A.L. 1990 H.B. 974, A.L. 1995 H.B. 424)