23.030. The legislative library room located on the thirdfloor of the capitol building and in a northerly position betweenthe senate chamber and the house chamber is set aside as alegislative library quarters under the direction and control ofthe committee on legislative research. Out of an appropriationmade for that purpose, the committee on legislative researchshall maintain a reference service which shall be available tothe general assembly and the public. This service may includethe following specific functions:
(1) Maintain a legislative library and purchase for thelibrary any printed or written reference material relating toproblems of the state or political subdivisions as would in thejudgment of the committee aid the members of the generalassembly;
(2) Secure and file copies of all bills, resolutions,amendments, memorials, reports of committees, journals and otherdocuments printed by order of either house of the generalassembly; and collect, catalogue and index material as soon aspracticable after it has been printed;
(3) Keep an index or digest of the action on each bill,resolution, and memorial by either body of the general assemblyand the governor, the digest to be printed and distributed atintervals the committee deems practicable.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 14743, A.L. 1943 p. 632, A.L. 1957 p. 595)