23.050. 1. The committee may obtain information upon theneeds, organization, functioning, efficiency and financial statusof any department of state government or of any institution oragency which is supported in whole or in part by revenue of thestate; collect and assemble information concerning the revenue ofthe state and the tax resources of the state and upon questionsof statewide interest which may reasonably become subjects oflegislative action or of legislative consideration; makeavailable such information as is requested by any member ormember-elect of the general assembly.
2. The committee shall compile a report of its activitiesand a detailed account of its expenditures for submission to thegeneral assembly, which report shall be completed at least thirtydays prior to the convening of each regular session of thegeneral assembly. The report shall be mailed to the post-officeaddress of each member of the present and forthcoming generalassembly and a copy of the report shall be submitted to eachstate elective officer. The report shall include anyrecommendations for legislative action as well as anyrecommendations which the committee desires to make concerningthe efficient and economical operation of the state government.
(L. 1943 p. 632 ยง 14745A, A.L. 1957 p. 595)