23.190. 1. In making audits the division shall makerecommendations and suggestions, in writing, to the personnel ofthe agency being audited. Such personnel shall be given anopportunity to respond, in writing, to those recommendations andsuggestions. Thereafter, as soon as practicable after completionof the audit, the committee shall issue a public report of theaudit. The report shall contain recommendations for changes inpractices and policies as well as recommendations for changes instatutes and regulations, and shall contain the response of theagency involved. Each report shall be a public record and shallbe signed by the committee chairman. Each report shall bepresented to the governor and the agency involved. Copies may bemade available to members of the general assembly and to thegeneral public. The committee may charge a fee to recoverpublication costs for copies made available to the generalpublic.
2. One year after completion of each audit, the oversightdivision shall review the operations of the agency audited todetermine whether or not there has been substantial compliancewith the recommendations contained in the report, and if not, afurther review shall be conducted at the end of another year. Ineach instance a further report shall be made and distributed inthe same manner as an initial report is made and distributed.
(L. 1984 H.B. 1087)