26.215. 1. In each year in which a governor or lieutenantgovernor of this state is elected and the governor or thelieutenant governor so elected is not the incumbent at the timeof the election, funds and facilities for that governor-elect andlieutenant governor-elect, to be used by each of them inpreparing an orderly transition of administrations, shall beprovided.
2. The legislature shall appropriate to the commissioner ofadministration funds to be used only for the purpose of thesetransitions and to be expended during the transition period, butin no event shall the amount so appropriated exceed one hundredthousand dollars for the governor-elect and five thousand dollarsfor the lieutenant governor-elect for any such transition and allfunds not expended for this purpose during the transition periodshall revert to general revenue.
(L. 1977 H.B. 493 & 458)