27.060. The attorney general shall institute, in the nameand on the behalf of the state, all civil suits and otherproceedings at law or in equity requisite or necessary to protectthe rights and interests of the state, and enforce any and allrights, interests or claims against any and all persons, firms orcorporations in whatever court or jurisdiction such action may benecessary; and he may also appear and interplead, answer ordefend, in any proceeding or tribunal in which the state'sinterests are involved.
(RSMo 1939 § 12901)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11276; 1919 § 696; 1909 § 970
Declaratory judgments--to be served copy of proceedings, when, RSMo 527.110
Delinquent taxes, to assist state director of revenue in collecting, RSMo 136.150
Division of workers' compensation, legal advice to, RSMo 287.620
Escheats--institution of proceedings, RSMo 470.290 to 470.340
State highways and transportation commission, to advise, RSMo 226.070