29.180. The state auditor in cooperation with the budgetdirector shall establish appropriate systems of accounting forall officers and agencies of the state, including all educationaland eleemosynary institutions, and he shall also prescribesystems of accounting for all county officers. Such systems ofaccounting shall conform to recognized principles of governmentalaccounting and shall be uniform in application to offices of thesame grade and kind and to accounts of the same kind. Suchsystems of accounting shall be adequate to record all assets andrevenues accrued, all liabilities and expenditures incurred, aswell as all cash receipts and disbursements, and all transactionsaffecting the acquisition and disposition of property, includingthe preparation and keeping of inventories of all property. Eachdepartment shall keep such accounts in accordance with the systemof accounts prescribed by the auditor.
(RSMo 1939 § 13095, A.L. 1945 p. 584 §§ 20, 22, 24, A. 1949 S.B. 1012)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11479; 1919 § 13303