29.270. The state auditor shall report to the governor assoon as possible the result of his findings from an examinationof the state institutions, and report to the elective officersthe result of his findings from an examination of theirappointive officers, setting out in detail the findings as to thecollection and disbursements of public funds and the mode ofbookkeeping and accounting in force in such institution, and assoon as possible after the completion of the examination of acounty's officers and institutions, he shall report in writingthe findings to the county court or prosecuting attorney orproper officer thereof, setting out in detail the results as tothe collection and disbursement of county funds and the mode ofbookkeeping and accounting in use and such recommendations as maybe proper. All audit reports and reports of examinations made bythe state auditor shall be made a matter of public record. Thestate auditor shall report to each general assembly his findingsand recommendations resulting from audits and examinations of thevarious state officials and institutions made by him inaccordance with law.
(RSMo 1939 § 13099, A.L. 1945 p. 584 § 28)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11483; 1919 § 13307