30.020. 1. Immediately after his election or appointment,the state treasurer shall execute and deliver to the governor asurety bond to the state in the sum of five hundred thousanddollars to be approved by the governor and conditioned for thefaithful performance of all his duties as state treasurer or exofficio, and for the safety of the state funds and securities inhis custody or under his control.
2. If the bond is furnished by a corporate surety companythe premium shall be paid by the state. The governor shallrequire the corporate surety to be duly licensed and authorizedto do business in this state.
3. If the bond is a personal bond, it shall be renewed everytwo years or oftener if the governor requires and the safety ofthe public moneys and securities demands. Each personal suretyshall subscribe and swear to a statement to be duly attested andendorsed on or attached to the bond, that he believes he is wortha certain stated sum, over and above all liabilities andexemptions, and any other particulars the governor requires.
4. After the legality of the bond has been passed upon bythe attorney general, it shall be submitted to the governor forhis approval. If the governor approves the bond, he shallendorse the approval and its date thereon and deliver the bond,with the affidavit of the surety if a personal bond, to thesecretary of state to be filed and recorded in his office. Ifthe governor doubts the solvency of any of the bondsmen, he mayrequire further evidence of solvency before he approves the bond.
(RSMo 1939 § 13012, A.L. 1945 p. 1977 § 2, A.L. 1959 H.B. 117)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11390; 1919 § 13287; 1909 § 11799