30.959. 1. The principal office of the investment trust shall be inJefferson City. The investment trust shall have a seal bearing theinscription "Missouri Investment Trust", which shall be in the custody ofthe state treasurer. The courts of this state shall take judicial noticeof the seal and all copies of records, books, and written instruments whichare kept in the office of the investment trust and are certified by thestate treasurer under the seal shall be proved or admitted in any court orproceeding as provided by section 109.130, RSMo.
2. The board of trustees of the investment trust shall keep acomplete record of all its proceedings which shall be open to the public inaccordance with the provisions of chapter 610, RSMo.
3. The board of trustees shall annually prepare and have available aspublic information a comprehensive annual financial report showing thefinancial status of the investment trust as of the end of the trust'sfiscal year. The report shall contain, but not be limited to, detailedfinancial statements prepared in accordance with generally acceptedaccounting principles for trust funds, a detailed listing of theinvestments, showing both cost and market value, held by the investmenttrust as of the date of the report together with a detailed statement ofthe annual rates of investment return from all assets and from each type ofinvestment, a detailed list of investments acquired and disposed of duringthe fiscal year, a listing of the investment trust's board of trustees andresponsible administrative staff, a detailed list of administrativeexpenses of the investment trust including all fees paid for professionalservices, a detailed list of brokerage commissions paid, and such otherdata as the board shall deem necessary or desirable for a properunderstanding of the condition of the investment trust. In the event theinvestment trust is unable to comply with any of the disclosurerequirements outlined above, a detailed statement shall be included in thereport as to the reason for such noncompliance. A copy of thecomprehensive annual financial report as outlined above shall be forwardedwithin six months of the end of the investment trust's fiscal year to thegovernor of Missouri.
4. The state auditor shall conduct an annual audit of the records andaccounts of the investment trust and shall report the findings to the boardof trustees and the governor.
(L. 1997 S.B. 449)