33.210. 1. The director of the budget shall assist the governor in thepreparation of the budget and in his other duties in relation thereto.
2. The budget director shall develop and implement a performance-basedbudgeting system that establishes goals and objectives, provides detailedmeasures of program and fund performance against attainment of plannedoutcomes, and provides for program evaluations. The governor may consider alloutcome measures used for each program and fund as compared with theattainment of the established goals and objectives of each program or fund forthe past three fiscal years in preparing budget recommendations pursuant tosection 33.270. Such outcome measures and attainment of established goals andobjectives for each program and fund shall be considered by the generalassembly in approving appropriation levels for each program and fund.
(L. 1945 p. 1428 ยง 48, A.L. 2003 S.B. 299 & 40)