33.220. On or before October first in each year precedingthe annual session of the general assembly, each department shallsubmit to the budget director estimates of its requirements forappropriations for the year commencing on the first day of Julynext. Such estimates shall be on forms prescribed by the budgetdirector. Such forms shall provide, as nearly as practicable,for a uniform presentation and classification of estimates.Blank copies of forms on which estimates shall be submitted shallbe sent by the budget director to each department on or beforeSeptember first of each such year. Estimates shall be submittedfor each subdepartment, division or bureau of each departmentdown to the smallest organization unit and for the department asa whole. Separate estimates shall be submitted for each fiscalyear. Separate estimates shall also be submitted for each fundfrom which requested appropriations are to be made, and onanother form such estimates shall be consolidated to show totalestimates from all funds. All such estimates shall be sosubdivided and classified as to show all estimated expendituresfor all purposes in such detail as may be required by the budgetdirector. All estimates for federal funds shall include theamount of federal funds required, the federal program number ofeach federally funded program the department plans to administer,the amount, if any, of state funds required for each program, adescription adequate to give the members of the legislatureknowledge of the objectives of each program and such otherinformation as may be required by the budget director. Estimatesshall show separately the requirements for ordinary expendituresfor operation and maintenance, extraordinary expenditures foroperation and maintenance, and capital expenditures. Eachestimate for extraordinary expenditure and for capitalexpenditure shall be explained in detail. The estimates shall beaccompanied by such reports, data or other explanatory matter asthe department may care to submit.
(RSMo 1939 § 10896, A.L. 1945 p. 1428 § 49, A.L. 1971 S.B. 319)