33.290. Within two weeks after the approval of theappropriation acts by the governor, each department shall submitto the budget director a work program and requested allotments ofappropriations by quarterly periods for the first fiscal year ofthe biennium. Such requested allotments shall show how thedepartment proposes to classify its expenditures for variouspurposes and objects of expenditure within each such quarterlyperiod for the fiscal year. Such allotment requests and theallotments as approved shall be in such form and in such detailas the budget director shall direct. Such allotments shall besubject to approval by the governor in such detail as he maydetermine except that the allotments of the departments notdirectly under the control of the governor shall be subject toapproval only as to the total allotment for each quarter. At theend of any quarterly period any department may make changes inthe allotments for the remaining periods upon approval of thegovernor. At the end of any quarterly period the governor mayrevise the allotments of any department, and if it shall appearthat revenues in any fund for the fiscal year will fall below theestimated revenues for such fund to such extent that the totalrevenues of such fund will be less than the appropriations fromsuch fund, then and in such case, the governor shall reduce theallotments of appropriations from such fund to any department ordepartments so that the total of the allotments for the fiscalyear will not exceed the total estimated revenue of the fund atany such time. Each such department shall in its requestedallotments set aside three percent of the appropriations as areserve fund which shall be subject to expenditure only withapproval of the governor; provided, that this shall not apply toamounts for personal service to pay salaries fixed by law. On orbefore June first of the first fiscal year of the biennium,similar work programs and requested allotments of theappropriation for the second fiscal year of the biennium shall besubmitted to the budget director. Such requests and allotmentsshall be subject to the same approval, limitations and changes asthose for the first year.
(RSMo 1939 § 10906, A.L. 1945 p. 1428 § 59)