34.032. 1. The provisions of section 34.040 to thecontrary notwithstanding, each department and agency of the stategovernment, including the general assembly, shall purchase, inthe manner provided by law, and use recycled paper when recycledpaper can be obtained that is comparable to the quality presentlyused by the department or agency and if the price is competitive.For the purposes of this section, "competitive" means a pricewithin ten percent of the price of items which are manufacturedor produced from virgin materials. Attainment goals for thepercentage of paper products to be purchased that utilizepost-consumer recovered materials shall be:
(1) Ten percent in 1991 and 1992;
(2) Twenty-five percent in 1993 and 1994;
(3) Forty percent in 1995; and
(4) Sixty percent by 2000.
2. Each department and agency of state government shall alsopurchase a minimum of fifteen percent recycled motor oil for usein motor vehicles.
3. Each department and agency of state government shallcause to be recycled:
(1) A minimum of twenty-five percent of paper products usedor fifty percent of the paper disposed of, whichever is greater;
(2) Seventy-five percent of all used motor oil.
4. Each department and state agency shall, to the maximumextent practicable, separate plastics, paper, metals and otherrecyclable items by July 1, 1990.
5. By January 1, 1990, each department and state agencyshall develop, in cooperation with the office of administration,and implement a policy for recycling and waste reduction. Eachdepartment and agency shall collect and recycle waste paper andempty aluminum beverage containers generated by employeeactivity. The office of the governor and the general assemblyshall implement a policy for recycling and waste reduction andshall collect and recycle waste paper and aluminum beveragecontainers generated within its facilities. Recycling programsfor agency offices located outside of the city of Jefferson maybe coordinated through the office of administration or operatedlocally provided that the office of administration reviews andapproves such programs. Proceeds from the sale of recycledmaterials may be used to offset costs of the recycling program.Any moneys found by the office of administration to be in excessof costs incurred shall be transferred to the department ofsocial services to be used by the heating assistance programpursuant to sections 660.100 to 660.135, RSMo.
6. The department of higher education, in cooperation withthe office of administration and state colleges and universities,shall develop and distribute guidelines for waste reduction andthe collection of recyclable materials generated in classrooms,administrative offices, dormitories, cafeterias and similarcampus locations.
7. Bid specifications for solid waste management servicesissued by any department or agency of state government shall bedesigned to meet the objectives of sections 260.255 to 260.325,RSMo, encourage small businesses to engage and compete in thedelivery of waste management services and to minimize the longrun cost of managing solid waste. Bid specifications shallenumerate the minimum components and minimum quantities of wasteproducts which shall be recycled by the successful bidder. Bidsfor solid waste management services to state departments andagencies located within the seat of government shall be issued inunits in order to maximize opportunities for small business toprovide solid waste management services to the state. Eachdepartment and agency shall designate one person in an existingposition to serve as a solid waste management coordinator toensure that the agency and the office of administration cooperateto meet the requirements of this section.
(L. 1973 H.B. 384 ยง 1, A.L. 1989 H.B. 438, et al.)